About Me

Hello curious person 👋 I'm Andrew :)

Social entrepreneur, behavioural economist & amateur physicist.

I want to understand the fundamental truths of reality and imagine a more exciting future for humanity!

After dropping out of school at 16 to start my first company, I self-studied my way to an offer from Cambridge University, and went on to co-found a £40m series of startups, before training in neuroscience & psychology.

I spent 3 years travelling the world - fluent in español, gave a TEDx en français and speak really terrible Mandarin. I compete in fizball(.org), dabble in chess-boxing & acroyoga…and once cooked dinner for Boris Johnson!

In my spare time I'm:

• Co-Founder & Partner at ReHumanity
• Co-Founder & CEO at Afinity.ai
...and finishing my book - Why Are You Working So Much?

Scroll down to learn more about my life...

But don't scroll too far, curiosity killed the cat etc.

Grew up a screw up
In South West London, the primary school truant

My parents were from India and Spain
Mum’s a gynaecologist, Dad drove a train

Switched schools six times
for suspected sexual abuse
Racist bullies and chronic boredom
left me dejected in mood

But life at home was even harder,
frequently beaten by my father
Mother too scared to come home,
or she’d lock herself in her room
Little brother strangled and slapped,
too weak to even fight back
I used to listen to rap,
block out the terror with tracks
Watching the World Cup Final
See my Dad get violent
Draw for the knives,
now I’m hearing police sirens!

3 years to divorce, lawyers feed on fears of remorse
Greedy for more, no matter the fee nor the cost

My feelings were lost,
9 and suicidal, how do I keep going on?

Video games my salvation,
escape the days with Samus Aran & Wind Waker
Move out to a new house
Snails crawl on the floors and screams bleed through the walls

No hot water, no kitchen
Single mother, two children

Watched The Wire at night
Dreams of a more inspiring life

Bunking off school to play Call of Duty 4
Back of mind, always knowing I was meant to do more
The question was what?
The high school dropout
Lessons so dead, 
made my eyeballs pop out 

So I decided to leave 
Started a company,
heart on my sleeve, 
I was so young and naive! 

Took a little luck to succeed,
But we made it to the Young Enterprise finals,
won every award,
then I lost all my team!
Impending doom
Sat on a bus, in relenting mood 
Company’s dead
So what’s my next best move? 

4 weeks to go before my A Level examinations 
To compete against a nation with no preparation 

So I started watching YouTube lessons 
CGP Guides, ExamSolutions, a true school blessing 

Results day arrives and I’m waiting in fear
Surprise: I win the Harvard Prize for highest grades in the year!
Syndrome of an imposter
An offer from Cambridge received like relief from a doctor

I was so scared to be rejected,
so when I was finally accepted,
I didn’t know what to do 

Fears of not being good enough and getting found out
Safer to live in the fantasy of what could’ve been you...
So I studied in London instead,
Too much vodka and I lost my head
Slapped a bald bouncer
Then he lost his head
Cut my eye open
So I called my new best friend

We fell in love that night
But 3 years on it was time to end

Love is beautiful
Love is crazy
Sometimes the line's cut fine
And other times it's that real Class A sh*t
Years of blood, sweat and tears
Desire to make a difference for these disadvantaged kids
Derived from cognitive science and a Socratic style of enquiry
My mind intertwined with technology,
the start of the Odyssey 

Nearly three years on, 90 hours a week but the business was strong
Thousands of students and millions in funds
But millions mean nothing when feelings are wrung 

There’s daggers in men’s smiles
Vampires in sunlight
So be careful who you work with,
There are demons near lurking...
Fake statistics & snake guarantees
Whatever it takes to make the money for thieves
My dad died on the second of the second
My mum was on the tube on the 7th of the 7th She’s alive, he’s dead
Didn’t speak, but we wept

It was time for change.

Mortality is narrowing
But Dad was still a hero
Flawed and violent
But gentle giant at heart
A shame we’re all chained to the pains of our past
Swapped the diamonds for pearls
I set off in my father’s footsteps to travel the world Israel to Mexico with a beautiful girl
Reflecting and sexy
Searching for the next thing

Camping in the Sahara
Galaxies will stretch your imagination farther Commander of languages
Español et Français
Magical, dancing salsa
with damiselas on broadway
Latinoamericana, acid bleeds into hearts,
these seeds beat faster after spark,
while fungi inspire peace by Magna Carta, unviolent silence to the drama

Ayahuasca in the Amazon
took me to Dante’s ottavo
40 orgasms turned to torture
under Satan’s bravado
But what had I done?
Finally I realised: not I, but homicide
I was stabbed in the back
Those daggers in men’s smiles,
the weakest form of attack
Finally everything I ever wanted
But these demons have sequels
Deadliest skeletons in the closet
If not silenced you'll be haunted

So at long last, I went utterly insane
What’s the point of life
when you see it’s all just a game?

60 seconds from suicide,
final chapters of breath
How ironic
that my dead father saved me from death
His masculine strength,
my final resurrection from hell
Who am I? Really?
That’s always been the question
Attempts to find identity in the bizzarest directions

Finally I sat down with a shady Iranian man
Sceptical inevitably but I thought I'd hear him out

Didn’t take long before the bomb exploded
My mind finally exposed it,
it was all pathologically hopeless  
Achievement and status,
meaningless and vacant
Switch off the simulation.

And at long last I rediscovered my real self:
A writer, an artist; physicist, warlord & martyr
Fallen angel escaped the belly of hell
Here to make the world a little less darker :)
Legends of devils
Keep the peasants at level
But what happens
when you finally step off the Treadmill?

Human or machine? 
Trapped in cubicle cages
behind computative screen

Treadmills were first devised as torture devices
Now we pay to run in circles,
swirling rodents in crisis

Every second second
someone vies to end their own life
Such insufferable suffering
these pencils bend when they write

We've finally arrived at the point of insanity
This can't go on
It's time for ReHumanity

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Please, it's not worth it.

I'm begging you. Just stop scrolling.

Think of your family.

What would ChatGPT do? 

Looks like there's no stopping you...

[insane meme compilation thing at the bottom + sounds]
